Framed Canvas

From $152.00

Turn your canvas print into a finished masterpiece with a float frame. Framed Canvas Prints are mounted with a space between the frame and the canvas, so that your print appears to be floating within the frame.


8 x 12
8 x 12
12 x 18
12 x 18
16 x 24
16 x 24
20 x 30
20 x 30
24 x 36
24 x 36


Natural Wood
Walnut Wood


Black wrap
Black wrap
White wrap
White wrap

All canvases are printed on Premium Fine Art Canvas with Semi-Gloss Laminate, and measure 1½" in depth. They come fully assembled with a wire hanger, paper backing and bumpers. Float frames are named for the way a canvas wrap is mounted with a 1/8" space between the frame and the wrap, creating the subtle illusion that your image is floating inside.

This product will ship after a print production time of 5-7 business days.

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